In the 70‘s of East Germany, child Iris lives with her young parents secluded in the province. Her beeing in a difficult familysituation, characterised by injury, longing and alcohol, Iris finds herself to process reality by escaping into wild fairytale dreams. She has to stop talking. By taking medication, her state of consciousness is blurred and she experiences her environment as a caricature of reality. It is a journey through primal fear and dread, bizarre to fairytale images and layers of meaning


„P“ (engl. „P“ ) is a film about a man who remembers nothing more than the desire to forget something. Isolated, he is looking for ways to transplant his past into a robot. His attempts successed and the robot begins to adapt the story as her own memory during his mind corrodes and disintegrates.


is a story of the representation of unpronounceable states.
On the basis of the dementia of Karl-Heinz (Birol Ünel) and his arduous relationship with his wife Brigitte (Susanne Lüning), are shown in intimate and surreal worlds of memory, fear, longing, shame and hurdle. The people and spaces are shifting like in thought worlds and tearing the present into individual, emotional shades of gray of the lonely.